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20 Feb
Don’t be a victim of PIP fraud.
Posted by agencyowlisawesome

Don’t be a victim of PIP fraud. PIP fraud impacts all of us. Take a close look at your auto insurance policy and you will find that your PIP premium is, if not the same, higher than the total of the other coverage’s combined.

Its funny how people think that they’re going to get the full pip benefits when in fact the majority of the pip benefits go to the crooked attorneys and “PIP Clinics”. As a matter of fact, whatever money you do receive from the PIP benefit is offset by the increase of your insurance premium (due to the PIP claim) or your current insurance company drops you.

I feel very sorry for people that call my agency asking us to provide them with an auto quote after their company has dropped them because of the PIP claim. The majority of the callers are so upset stating that their attorney, or the clinics attorney for that matter, didn’t tell them that by filling a PIP claim that their insurance premiums would skyrocket or that the insurance company would drop them.

Who do you think ends up paying these PIP claims? WE DO!!!! By increases in insurance premiums to all of us. Plus, if you live in a city that has a high level of PIP claims, your insurance premium is already astronomical.

It makes absolutely no sense to me why we have this PIP coverage. Why should you be forced to use your own coverage if you’re not at fault in an accident. Thin about it. If I’m driving and I hit your vehicle and you suffer injuries, you must first file a PIP claim against your own insurance company before you can claim my BI (Bodily Injury) coverage. Then by filing a PIP claim on your insurance your policy premium increases exponentially.

Haven’t you heard the radio stations lately? It seems like every station plays either an attorney referral service or an attorney offering to collect you thousands even millions for damages. It also seems as if the referral companies and attorneys are all fighting each other. Pathetic. Now I’m only referring to PIP FRAUD not actual injuries. But then again, if you suffer real injuries the party at fault should be liable and you shouldn’t be mandated to have to file a claim against your PIP first.

If you’re tired of paying high insurance premiums call you local legislator and voice your opinion. I’ve provided a link for your convenience.


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